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Whatever Iran's response will be to the assassination in Tehran of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, and whatever Hezbollah's response will be to the elimination in Beirut of its commander Fuad Shukr, Israel will have to lick a few wounds, and maybe even deep ones, but it will be the Palestinians who will pay the price, again and first. They count fot nothing.

In this scenario of imminent vengeance, intended as a response to a vengeance that came before and as a repetition ad nauseam of what has already been seen in the past decades on the various fronts in the Middle East, the question of whether this will lead to all-out war in the region is, once again, just the hypocritical removal of the fate that has befallen and will befall the Palestinians in the future.

While Israel leads the world to believe that, once Hamas is eliminated, the Gaza Strip and the rest of the Occupied Territories will know a new, positive destiny (lie!), the belligerence of Iran and its regional affiliates, Hezbollah in the forefront, use the 'Palestinian issue' to mask their apocalyptic interpretation (no less apocalyptic than Israel's) of the power relations in the region.

In the coming days, everyone will pay, no doubt, but the Palestinians will pay above all, as always.

The logic of blood calling blood is a constant in the navigation of reality that human beings are capable of.

To call it outdated and thus denounce it constitutes (would constitute) the only authentic gesture of resistance.

I write this from direct experience of the region. And out of desperation.

If only Europe existed, and if it had come to terms with its history, it could embody this resistance. Europe alone could.

(gianluca grossi)