Read the written version of Gianluca Grossi's podcast

Dear friends of Faccia da Reporter, Happy New Year from Gianuca Grossi. First of all, Happy New Year.

There would be no reason to wish it if we lived in the knowledge that one year does not lead to another.

That is not the case, and you know it well.

It could be so, in part at least, if the world were not ruled by imbeciles, and if there were not armies of imbeciles willing to follow other imbeciles.

Instead, this is the case.

There is the Israeli army's war against the population of Gaza, because that is what it is: a war against the civilian population.

There is Lebanon poised between the disaster it is in and an even darker disaster.

There is Iran hit, today, 3 January 2024, by an attack that has caused a huge number of deaths.

All this is war.

And for someone who has written a book to explain why we can't not make it, this news, all this news, is proof of his thesis.

We cannot not make war because we are convinced that it is the only right thing to do.

So: nobody, really nobody, gets up and shouts Stop it!

And if someone is there, who listens?

War gets out of hand and actually punishes human beings for believing they can control it.

War is uncontrollable. It goes to one's head. Of the powerful and the poor christs who agree to fight it, intoxicated, or rather high and stoned, by the conviction that it will lead to something that may even resemble, seen from afar and at night, an ideal.

We need voices, brave and fearless in the face of loneliness, that stand up and with pride, with human pride, call everyone to reason.

But what reason, you will say.

How can I blame you.

What reason...

Obstinacy, then. The obstinacy that leads us to conclude, without hypocrisy and without false sentiments, and without the hypocritical recourse to international humanitarian law, that if we think that a war can solve a war, that a war can erase a wrong or sweep it under the carpet, that a war is just, well then, this is the war.

The one we have before our eyes, from Ukraine to Gaza, not to mention all the wars nobody talks about.

There is no such thing as a war done right, done properly. It is all lies, inventions, deceptions.

Massacre exists.

And this is what politics, in the perfect West that is painted to us, is tolerating. And not only in the West. Everyone tolerates it. Some only pretend not to tolerate it, for interests opposite to ours.

Happy New Year friends. Of resistance of thought.

(gianluca grossi)


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