Baby on board. Of a tank
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I no longer sleep. From laughing. Ever since French President Emmanuelle Macron called on Europe not to be cowardly. We need courage, by God, in the face of a Russia that, if not defeated in Ukraine, will eat us all! He reiterated this last night on TV.
It is only critical reason applied to reality that comes out in tatters.
A child sitting on a tank does no harm, unless we Europeans agree to become children again too. His are shots, not even blanks, just paffs, dull and meaningless. They testify to the inadequacy of power in the great European democracies, including Switzerland.
"When we end up believing that violence alone brings consolation, we have fallen into the trap of war, and we do not even realise it. When we ask war to bring justice, we are definitely its prisoners'.
I write this in my new book, which is about to go to press and will be in bookshops soon.
Although I am talking about Gaza, on this occasion, much of what I write is applicable to the belligerent theatre that was staged in Paris, last night, and will remain on stage, who knows until when, in other European capitals.
For the record: for more than two years, Faccia da Reporter has not concealed what it thinks of the tragedy that has befallen Ukraine and its people and, with what little it can, has been writing for it to be stopped.
Some people are now abandoning positions that they defended with their teeth until yesterday and are attaching themselves to the tram. There will be more and more of them. As always. Watch and see.
(gianluca grossi)